While Andrew Joiner was in the Middle East trying to source and schedule multiple waste to energy projects, he found himself running into the same roadblocks that delayed operation start dates:
- Scouring the internet for businesses with the right type of waste
- Requesting samples to test on equipment to determine energy output
- Cold calling new contacts for feedstock
- Reaching out to potential partners to try and establish relationships
- Often times the data online is incorrect, resulting in email kickbacks or out of service phone messages
- You can spend weeks trying to get just one person on the phone for a few minutes
- Managing the follow up for scheduled deliveries
- Using excel spreadsheets to keep a tab of supplier lists and contact details
- Following up with email and phone calls to confirm delivery dates
- No communication tracking for amount or price details to serve as a single source of truth during delivery
- Juggling the pick-up availability of waste with the capacity requirements of the equipment at the project sites
- Successful WtE projects run at full capacity 7 days a week, but waste suppliers operate on their own schedule
- It’s challenging to build a schedule that can be managed consistently and reliably without 1-2 full time hires to run
These challenges seemed well suited for a software solution, so he started searching for one.
When he concluded no such product existed, he left the waste to energy project management business and got to work on a digital, software solution specifically for sustainable fuel projects.
At EnMass, we believe waste to energy is a win-win-win.
It is a win for businesses that create waste as a byproduct
It’s a win for replacing fossil fuels with a sustainable fuel that works just like the more carbon-expensive alternative without requiring changes to existing machinery and infrastructure
It’s a win for the planet to get a reprieve from carbon emissions that would otherwise come from waste in landfills and less reliance on fossil fuels
Andrew started his career in waste to energy to follow his passion in supporting this worthwhile venture. Now, we at EnMass all hope to make an even bigger impact with a specially designed software solution that will make waste to energy projects more likely to succeed, reach full capacity faster, and ease the burden of raising capital.